Hello guys, today we have come up with Srpski Pick Up Lines that are playful, corny, funny and flirty. You can use these pick up lines Srpski for your Serbian girlfriend, wife, and crush. You can even use these Srpski Pick Up Lines on your Serbian Boyfriend, guy crush, and your boy bestfriend too.
Best thing about our pick up lines in Srpski are that they are available in both English and Srpski/Serbian Language. Enjoy the below written Srpski Pick Up Lines.
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Pick up lines Srpski For Her
Below is the list of best flirty and cheesy Serbian/Srpski pick up lines that you can use on your crush, girlfriend, wife and girl bestfriend. These pick up lines in Srpski/Serbian are made specially to impress Serbian girls and women.
Tvoj osmeh mi je bio danak, ali tvoj zagrljaj je moja najveća želja. 😊💕
Your smile was my tribute, but your hug is my greatest desire. 😊
Da li veruješ u sudbinu? Jer mi se čini da smo se nas dvoje slučajno sreli zbog nečeg većeg. 🌟❤️
Do you believe in destiny? Because it seems to me that the two of us met by chance for something greater. ✨
Ti si poput sunca – osvetljavaš mi dan i greješ mi srce. 🌞💖
You’re like the sun – you brighten my day and warm my heart. 🌞❤️
Tvoje oči su kao zvezde na nebu, sjajne i neodoljive. ✨😍
Your eyes are like stars in the sky, shining and irresistible. 🌟😍

Moje srce lupa jače svaki put kada te vidim, jer ti si moja sreća u stvarnosti. 💓😘
My heart beats stronger every time I see you, because you are my happiness in reality. 💓
Kada bi ljubav bila srpska pesma, ti bi bila slatka melodija koja svira u mom srcu. 🎶💞
If love were a Serbian song, you’d be the sweet melody that plays in my heart. 🎶💖
Da li si iz Zemuna? Jer si mi kao Gardoš – prelepa i neodoljiva. 🏰😚
Are you from Zemun? Because you’re like Gardoš – beautiful and irresistible. 🌹😘
Da li si sa Vračara? Jer si mi lečenje za sve probleme. 💆♂️💕
Are you from Vračar? Because you’re the cure to all my problems. 💕

Da li su tvoji roditelji vrtlar? Jer su stvorili pravu ružu. 🌹🌿
Are your parents gardeners? Because they created a true rose. 🌹🌿
Tvoje oči su poput bisera koji sjaji na obali reke, privlačeći svetlost i srca. 💖✨
Your eyes are like pearls shining on the riverbank, attracting light and hearts. 💖✨
Da li je moguće da je nebo poslalo anđela da prošeta među nama? Jer ti si kao iz bajke. 👼💫
Is it possible that heaven sent an angel to walk among us? Because you’re like out of a fairy tale. 👼💫
Da li ti je mama cvetarka? Jer si mi prava ruža među cvećem. 🌺😍
Is your mom a florist? Because you’re a real rose among flowers. 🌷💗

Da li si zubar? Jer svaki put kad te vidim, zubi mi se smeju. 😁❤️
Are you a dentist? Because every time I see you, my teeth smile. 😁
Da li si krompir? Jer si baš slatka. 🥔😘
Are you a potato? Because you’re really sweet. 🥔💕
Da li si mačka? Jer si mi upravo ukrala srce. 😻💖
Are you a cat? Because you just stole my heart. 😻💘
Da li si izgubljena? Jer je nebo daleko odavde. 🌌
Are you lost? Because heaven is far from here. 😇

Da li ti je dosadno? Jer mi je život mnogo lepši sa tobom u njemu. ❤️
Are you cold? Because you’ve taken my breath away. ❄️
Da li si mogla da mi pozajmiš telefon? Jer sam izgubila svoj broj. 📱💕
Could you lend me your phone? Because I lost my number. 📱💕
Srpski Pick Up Lines For Tinder
Below is the list of best flirty Srpski/Serbian pick up lines that you can use on your Serbian crush over text on Tinder. These pick up lines in Srpski/Serbian are made specially for flirting on Tinder.
Da li si iz Beograda? Jer imaš tu neodoljivu srpsku čar. 😍
Are you from Belgrade? Because you’ve got that irresistible Serbian charm. 😍

Da li ti je ime Milica? Jer si mi ukrala srce kao prava srpska kraljica. 👑
Is your name Milica? Because you’ve stolen my heart like a true Serbian queen. 👑
Da li si rakija? Jer samo jedan gutljaj od tebe ostavlja želju za još. 🥃
Are you a rakija shot? Because just one taste of you leaves me wanting more. 🥃
Veruješ li u sudbinu? Jer mislim da je sudbinski što sam te ‘swipe-ovao’ udes. 🌠
Do you believe in destiny? Because I think swiping right on you was fate. ✨
Da li si kafana? Jer biti s tobom je kao vesela srpska proslava. 🎉
Are you a kafana? Because being with you feels like a lively Serbian celebration. 🎉

Da li ti je osmeh svetao kao sunce iznad Dunava? Jer mi osvetljava dan. ☀️
Is your smile as bright as the sun over the Danube? Because it lights up my day. ☀️
Da li si izum Nikole Tesle? Jer si ‘elektrifikovala’ moj Tinder. ⚡
Are you a Nikola Tesla invention? Because you’ve electrified my Tinder feed. ⚡
Da li govoriš srpski? Jer bih voleo da naučim jezik tvog srca. ❤️
Do you speak Serbian? Because I’d love to learn the language of your heart. ❤️
Da li si tradicionalno srpsko jelo? Jer si savršena kombinacija slatkog i začinjenog. 🍲
Are you a traditional Serbian dish? Because you’re a perfect blend of sweet and spicy. 🍲
Da li je tvoja lepota tajna srpske unutrašnjosti? Jer je zaista zadivljujuća. ✨
Is your beauty a secret of the Serbian countryside? Because it’s truly breathtaking. 🌿
Jesi li odavde? Jer si mi ukrao srce. 💘
Are you from around here? Because you stole my heart. 💘

Jesi li kafana? Jer se osećam kao da plešem kada sam s tobom. 💃
Are you a kafana? Because I feel like dancing when I’m with you. 💃
Moraš biti Srbin/Srpkinja, jer si vrelo vruć/a. 🔥
You must be Serbian, because you’re sizzling hot. 🔥
Jesi li rakija? Jer samo jedna čaša od tebe me greje iznutra. 🌡️
Are you rakija? Because just one shot of you warms me up inside. 🌡️
Da li si model? Jer si savršen/a. 💁♂️
Are you a model? Because you’re perfect. 💁

Da li si sat? Jer tvoje lice mi govori da je već vreme za ljubav. ⏰💕
Are you a clock? Because your face tells me it’s time for love. ⏰
Pick Up Lines Srpski For Him
Below is the list of best Serbian/Srpski pick up lines that you can use on your boy crush to flirt him. These pick up lines in Serbian/Srpski can also be used on boyfriend, husband and boy bestfriends too.
Da li ti je potrebna doza adrenalina? Jer sa mnom, svaki dan je avantura. 🌟
Do you need a dose of adrenaline? Because with me, every day is an adventure. 🌟

Je l’ ti vruće ovde ili si samo ti tako vrela? 🔥
Is it hot in here, or is it just you being so hot? 🔥
Da li imaš mesto gde ti je srce? Jer bih voleo da postanem tvoj dom. ❤️
Do you have a place where your heart resides? Because I’d love to become your home. ❤️
Ti si kao fudbalska lopta – hoću da te držim blizu i da te šutiram sve dok ne postignem gol. ⚽
You’re like a soccer ball – I want to keep you close and kick you until I score a goal. ⚽
Da li ti je potrebno društvo za večeru? Jer bih voleo da provedem vreme s tobom. 🍽️
Do you need company for dinner? Because I’d love to spend time with you. 🍽️
Ako bi naša ljubavna priča bila film, ja bih tebe birao za glavnu ulogu, kao što je to Lazar Ristovski. 🎬
If our love story was a movie, I’d cast you as the leading man, just like Lazar Ristovski. 🎥
Da li si kao Dragan Nikolić – uvek u centru pažnje? Jer si ukrao moju pažnju. 🌟
Are you a scene stealer like Dragan Nikolić? Because you’ve stolen my attention. 👀

Kada bi ti bio kiša, ja bih bio kišobran samo da budem blizu tebe, čak i u oluji. ☔
If you were the rain, I’d be the umbrella just to be close to you, even in a storm. ☔
Ti si kao zimski povetarac na Šar planini – hladan, osvežavajući, i nemoguć za odolevanje. ❄️
You’re like a winter breeze in Šar Mountains – cool, refreshing, and impossible to resist. ❄️
Da je ljubav srpsko jelo, ti bi bio tajni sastojak koji ga čini savršenim. 🍲
If love were a Serbian dish, you’d be the secret ingredient that makes it perfect. 🍲
Kao što reke Srbije neprekidno teku, tako i moja ljubav prema tebi ne poznaje granice. 🌊
Just like the rivers of Serbia flow endlessly, my love for you knows no bounds. 🌊
Tvoje oči sjaje kao svetla Beograda noću, osvetljavajući moj svet. ✨
Your eyes sparkle like the lights of Belgrade at night, illuminating my world. ✨

Tvoj osmeh je poput izlaska sunca iznad brda Tare, donoseći toplinu mom srcu. 🌞
Your smile is like the sunrise over the hills of Tara, bringing warmth to my heart. 🌄
Da li ti je mama umetnica? Jer ti si pravo remek-delo. 🎨
Is your mom an artist? Because you’re a true masterpiece. 🎨
Da li ti je tata vojnik? Jer ti imaš stav koji odiše hrabrošću. 💪
Is your dad a soldier? Because you have an attitude that exudes bravery. 💪
Da li ti je tata trener? Jer izgledaš kao da si odrastao sa bučicama. 🏋️♂️
Is your dad a coach? Because you look like you’ve grown up with dumbbells. 🏋️♂️
Pick up lines Srpski Funny
Below is the list of best funny Srpski pick up lines that you can use on your Serbian Crush whether it is a Boy or a girl, these pick lines will surely work on them.
Da li ti je otac lopov? 🌟 Jer neko je ukrao sve zvezde sa neba i stavio ih u tvoje oči. 😍
Is your father a thief? Because someone stole all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes. ✨
Da li imaš mesto gde ti je srce? ❤️ Jer bih ga rado pokupio – izgleda da ga ovde ostavio. 🤔
Do you have a place where your heart is? Because I’d like to pick it up – it seems you left it here. ❤️

Da li si fizički umetnik? 🎨 Jer izgledaš kao da si napravljena od mašte. 🧚♀️
Are you a physical artist? Because you look like you’re made of imagination. 🎨
Da li si od plastike? 🤖 Jer si mi ukrala dah. 😱
Are you made of plastic? Because you stole my breath away. 😮
Da li si zubar? 😁 Jer bih voleo da mi ispitaš zube da vidim da li je slatkošću. 🍭
Are you a dentist? Because I’d love for you to examine my teeth to see if they’re sweet enough. 😁

Da li si teniski teren? 🎾 Jer bih voleo da se s tobom igram sve do kasno u noć. 🌙
Are you a tennis court? Because I’d love to play with you all night long. 🎾
Da li si pekar? 🥖 Jer si mi pravo ‘čudo’ od devojke. 🤩
Are you a baker? Because you’re a real ‘wonder’ of a girl. 🍰
Da li ti je tata bio astronaut? 🚀 Jer si mi ispala iz ovog sveta. 👽
Was your dad an astronaut? Because you seem out of this world to me. 🚀

Da li su ti roditelji pekari? 🥐 Jer si ti prava ‘mackica’ od devojke. 😸
Are your parents bakers? Because you’re a real ‘cutie’ of a girl. 🍪
I hope that you all might have liked our Serbian/Srpski pick up lines and have surely used it on your Serbian girlfriend, wife, crush or your Serbian boyfriend. These pick up lines Srpski will help you impress your Serbian crush whether it is a boy or girl.